Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Oak Week Beginning 6th May 2024

We all feel we have been on catch up this week as we missed Monday and excitement is riding high in anticipation of the residential next week.

We have become script writers this week in both Topic lessons and English. The children have chosen a section of Midsummer Nights Dream to write as a script now they know all the different features a script contains. They are busy deciding who says what to retell the action and include all the key stage directions. In Topic lessons we looked at what happened in Roman Baths. They took on three roles: a rich person, an architect and a slave and created a script to convey what would happen in a visit to the baths using all the key historical words associated with the ancient baths.

Our new Maths topic is focussed on length, measures area and perimeter. We have been revising our knowledge of converting between different measures and showing off our skills using a ruler. If you can, please can you discuss with your child any opportunities for measuring or noting how far they have walked or driven in a car journey to help them understand what kilometers or miles feel like in the real word and any uses of measuring that may crop up in your day to day life (if they do!).

In PSHE the children have been discussing different scenarios that they may come across on their residential next week and thinking very carefully about the most sensible and logical solutions. We are hoping to see lots of examples of their kindness, resilience and independence skills when helping each other cope with any challenges they may face.

The children had great fun on Friday using clay to sculpt a flower shape. They have been studying the form of flowers and particularly their petals on paper and had a go at representing this in 3D Form. It was a bit tricky in parts but they all had something to be very proud of by the end of the lesson. See the gallery for some pictures of us working with the clay.