Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

2324 Holly Class week beginning 8th July

We have read a beautifully illustrated book called 'Tell Me a Dragon' in Holly class this week. On each page is an amazing picture of a different type of dragon from the illustrator's imagination as well as a description of it. The book finishes by encouraging the readers to tell us about their dragon, which is exactly what the children in Holly Class have enjoyed doing this week. All of the children have used their words to paint pictures of some wonderfully imaginative dragons. The Year 1 children have been learning about using adjectives in their writing and how to include noun phrases, they did this brilliantly and many of the Reception children also followed suit. Later in the week, the children wrote out their descriptions again using their very best handwriting and also drew and then painted a picture of their dragon. So many of the children did this so carefully and really took inspiration from the illustrations they had been looking at. 

In maths this week, the children have been learning about time. They have enjoyed songs and activities linked to days of the week and months of the year as well as thinking about the differences between seconds, minutes and hours. All of the children enjoyed thinking about activities we could do in these different periods of time, as well as thinking about how to read a timer. This has been particularly useful when a timer is used on the board at tidy up time! The Year 1 children have taken their learning further by using the small clocks to tell the time to the hour. 

The children have also been busy cooking this week. They were given the task of designing a delicious and well balanced picnic for the Teddy Bear's picnic that next year's reception children were invited to on Tuesday. Holly class rose to the challenge and spent a busy morning cooking on Tuesday. They made veggie muffins, sandwiches and fruit kebabs for the new children with, of course, plenty for their own picnic as well. On Wednesday we then evaluated what we had done, thinking about what went well and what ingredients we might change if we were to do it again. 

This week, the children have also enjoyed some singing and reflection in our music lesson, a lovely last forest school of the year and a special surprise visitor called Nugget!