Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

2324 Holly Class week beginning 6th May

As always, it has been a busy week in Holly class! 

We have been working on writing super sentences all week in our literacy lessons. The Reception children were challenged to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces, whilst the Year 1 children also had to join ideas with the conjunction and, as well as sequence some sentences. Our work was linked to the story 'Stuck' and the children showed great imagination and determination with their writing. On Tuesday afternoon we made our own kites to play with outside just like Floyd does in the story. 

In our phonics lessons both the Year 1 and Reception children have been doing some work to show us just how well they know their phonemes. They have done brilliantly and applied their knowledge to read words, remembering to add sound buttons and use their robot arms when tackling more challenging unfamiliar words. 

In maths lessons this week, Reception have been learning their number bonds to ten and working on remembering and recalling these with the support of our number block friends! The Year 1 children have been continuing to consolidate their counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and have been applying these new skills to answer repeated addition questions as part of our work looking at equal groups. 

On Tuesday, Mr and Mrs Pilcher came to school with a pony to teach us about the work a farrier does. Mr Pilcher showed us how he takes off and gives the horses and pony's he works with new shoes! They children learnt a lot and were really interested in the process. The Reception children had another visitor on Thursday when the Year 1 children were swimming, Lizzie, Artie and Edie's Mum came to see us to talk about her work as a doctor. Big Ted also came to act as the patient and the children learnt all about how she could use the things in her doctor's bag to help him feel better. They also talked about what they could do to stay healthy and well. 

We have been really enjoying the change in the weather and taking lots of our learning outside this week. Our sunflowers are growing brilliantly, they are really enjoying this beautiful sunshine and the children were thrilled to update their sunflower diaries this week. The Year 1 children have also been continuing their history work about the Great Fire of London and have leant a bit more about the sequence of events, ask them about it and see what they can tell you!