Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

2324 Holly Class week beginning 20th May

This week, Holly class have been enjoying reading The Detective Dog by Julia Donaldson. It tells the story of a dog called Nell who helps to solve the mystery of the missing books in a school. The children were then faced with a mystery of their own when they learned that Mrs Brown might have dropped the school keys down a drain, how could we help her get them back?! Everyone made something they thought could get the keys back and tested it out with our own version of a drain in the classroom! We then used these ideas to plan and write a story of our own where Nell the detective dog helped Mrs Brown get the school keys back, phew! The children have really impressed us with their writing. The Year 1 children have been sequencing sentences and independently using 'and' and correct punctuation, including exclamation marks. The Reception children are becoming increasingly confident and independent with their sentence writing and told wonderful stories. 

We have enjoyed lots of learning outside this week. The children have taken part in phonics treasure hunts using maps to lead them around the school grounds and a number bonds obstacle course! They all enjoyed making nature crowns and helping out with the gardening on Tuesday and on Friday we, once again, checked in with our sunflowers to see how they are growing. The children will bring their sunflowers home today to continue looking after, hopefully you are able to plant them in your gardens or a bigger pot and continue to watch it grow! 

The children have been filling in a wellbeing diary each day this week focussing on how being and learning outside makes them feel and how it can support them. It really seems to have helped improve spirits and focus at the end of a very busy half term! 

We hope you all have a lovely break and will look forward to seeing you in a week.