Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

2324 Holly Class week beginning 17th June

Another week has whizzed by in Holly class!

This week we have been reading a lovely book called 'What do you see when you look at a tree?', this has not only led our literacy work but also some artwork. The children completed a 'leaf study' inspired by what we had read. They each chose a leaf from outside and looked at it closely using the magnifying glasses, they then did a careful line drawing of it. After this they created some wax rubbings of the leaf, lots of the children were amazed by all of the little details on the leaf this allowed them to see. They then carved out their own stamps of their individual leaves to use to do some printing. The prints they made were really effective and will make a lovely display in our classroom. 

In literacy, the Reception children have been drawing and writing about trees, they have been using their imaginations to come up with a magical woodland or forest and writing about what the wood from a tree could be used to make. The Year 1 children have been writing following similar themes but working hard to include words with the -ing and -ed suffixes to consolidate their phonics learning. 

In maths the Year 1 children have been becoming familiar with number lines to 100 and using these to help them find and show 1 more and 1 less as well as compare numbers. They have impressed me with their reasoning skills this week and have worked hard to explain their answers clearly. The Reception children have been working hard on their number formation this week so that they can continue to record their maths work with increasing accuracy. 

The Reception children really impressed Mrs Peacey in their RE lesson this week when they were learning the story of Noah's Ark. They used our construction materials to build arks and retell the story, lots of our animals were paired up and taken to safety! 

The Year 1 children have been finishing off their science topic all about animals, including humans. They have been testing each other's knowledge of what different baby animals are called as well as comparing stages of the human life cycle. 

On Friday when Mrs Holdsworth was at the Big Sing with many of the KS2 children, Holly class had a lovely morning with Hawthorn class and some special KS2 helpers. They took part in a big outdoor art activity and it was lovely to hear about how the children worked so well together in their mixed age groups.