2324 Holly Class week beginning 15th April
In our literacy lessons this week the children have been writing poems inspired by the poem Boing! Boing! that we learnt together in class last week. The children each chose their own animal and thought about words to describe how it moved, they then used these to write a poem written in the shape of and following the same structure as Boing! Boing! They did a brilliant job and drew some beautiful illustrations to go with it. In Family assembly on Friday the children enjoyed performing their poem for everyone.
In maths, Year 1 have been continuing their unit of work on measuring. They have been learning about capacity and volume and have been working on using the correct mathematical vocabulary really accurately. The Reception children have been thinking about what makes and good counter and coming up with top tips. They decided that it helps to count slowly, to put things in a line and also to make sure you are only counting one thing at a time by pointing to or touching the object. They then used their own top tips to work on counting numbers up to 20, making sure they were clearly saying those tricky 'teen' numbers!
All of the children in Holly class have planted their own sunflower this week. They examined the seed carefully and then the Year 1 children explained what they had been learning in their science lessons about how to look after the plant so that it will grow. The children have started a Sunflower Diary and will be documenting their plant as it grows! The Year 1 children then went on to look at different fruit and vegetable plants and thing about where and how they grow. They completed a sorting activity where they had to work out which fruits and vegetables grew under ground and which grew over ground.
The Reception children have been working on their balance bike skills this week and have been really enjoying the different listening games with Mrs Morgan and Mrs Clayton. What a super skills to work on and develop!