Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

2324 Holly Class week beginning 13th May

 It has been a lovely week in Holly class, the children have all worked really hard and been so focussed on their learning. It is lovely to see! We have really taken advantage of the better weather and are enjoying taking lots of our learning outside. 

In maths this week, Year 1 have been working on finding doubles, they have been working on automatically recalling the doubles for number up to ten and also using different strategies to work out the doubles of bigger numbers. They have also been working on sorting into equal groups as part of our division work revisiting using repeated addition to find out the total. The Reception children have been consolidating their work on number bonds to 10, challenge them to tell you these at home! We have also been looking at number tracks and revisiting the meaning of more and less. 

The children have continued to wow us in our literacy lessons. We have had more super sentences from the Reception children, they are working hard to leave finger spaces between all of their words and use their phonics sounds when spelling. The Year 1 children have been learning about when to use an exclamation mark in their sentences and enjoyed making up silly school rules to practise using them! At the end of the week the children applied all of the skills they have been practising to retell a story from a short video we watched together.

In science we have been working on our observation skills, taking care and looking closely. The children practised these skills at forest school this week, up at the meadow and also when filling in the next page of their sunflower diary. The children are looking forward to bringing their plants home to take care of them!

The Year 1 children have continued their learning about the Great Fire of London. This week they used historical sources and played detective to work out why the fire kept spreading for so long. They worked well in teams and learnt about why we are much better at fighting fires now. All of the children enjoyed coming together to sing London's Burning, we even tried singing as a three part round!