Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

23 24 Hawthorn wb 8th July

Only one week left to go! How time has flown by this year.
In English, the children have been creating fact files about ducks, practising many of the writing skills they've learnt this year.
In maths, they're all working on 'Time'. Year 1s had a lovely start to the week practising their ordering skills when making yummy fruit kebabs for the whole class to enjoy at snack time. The Year 2s have been learning about times past and to the hour as well as counting in intervals of 5 minutes. This is quite a tricky concept so any help you can give them at home is greatly appreciated. 
As promised last week, we're sharing some photos of the beautiful sunflowers the children created based on Van Gogh's famous paintings. We love how different they all are despite being based on the same piece of original artwork and how each child has produced an individual interpretation.
In Topic, we considered what it's like to live in a village, town or city. We've now moved on to the final part of our learning, in which we're finding out more about China and we'll be comparing life there with our own experiences closer to home.
In Science we continued to look at the conditions needed for plant growth and discussed why the cress in the cupboard was so tall and yellow...
We finished the week with a cooking session where we first discussed healthy eating and the different food groups that we should be eating and then we followed this up by making a carbohydrate based food, soda bread.  We all tasted it and evaluated our cooking efforts - delicious!