Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

23 24 Hawthorn wb 20th May

We've come to the end of an amazing and enjoyable half term full of learning.
In maths this week we've been recapping some of our earlier learning about 2D and 3D shapes - as well as learning some new skills. The children can identify the number of sides, vertices, edges and faces and sort them in different ways. The Year 2s further explored 2D shapes using peg boards and were able to identify and draw vertical lines of symmetry. Both year groups ended the week by creating patterns with 2D and 3D shapes.
In English, we participated in a 'whole school write' on Monday, in which the children watched a funny video about a group of meerkats and then retold the story in their own words. 
We've also had a big focus on our topic work this week. The children considered who might be thought most responsible for the devastating spread of the Great Fire and who did the most to help. They had a go at a super online game about the fire and wrote a Fact File about Samuel Pepys. Finally, they had a go at writing a diary entry in role as a child of the time. We have a little more of this topic to complete and will be finishing it off straight after half term.
On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to participate in a cricket session in place of Oak class who'd gone bell boating. The children really enjoyed their lesson, led by Sam, and even had a chance to see his new juggling skills in action!
In Science, the children became researchers and used the IPADS to write a short fact file about an animal of their choice.  We had a wide range of animal, axolotls, poisonous tree frogs, giraffes and horses to name a few.
In PSHE we have continued to look at first aid and this week the children learned about what to do if someone was choking and also what to do if someone was unresponsive and breathing.  We then practised our new skills by the sharp hit on the back (only pretend hitting!) and then putting an unconscious person into the recovery position.  It was great fun but also a very important skill and the children worked really well with their partners to ensure they could both do it.
Have a good half term and see you in a week.