Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

23 24 Hawthorn wb 17 June

This week, the children have been writing their own stories based on Wanted, the Perfect Pet, and made a really good job of it! They've written three chapters in the same style as the book, although they could choose which animals they wanted to feature in their stories. They've all come such a long way in the space of a year. Very well done to all!
In maths, Year 1s have continued their work on numbers to 100, using number lines and practising how to find one more and one less. Meanwhile, Year 2s have been developing their understanding of money - using notes and coins to make the same sum in different ways and comparing different amounts.
In RE, the children had a go at designing their own prayer mats and they came up with some lovely ideas. In topic, we went for a walk around Ashton to find some of the local landmarks. We had digital cameras with us so that the children could take some photographs. We also looked at different types of property and identified a range of features to help us decide how old they might be. Back in the classroom, we took a look at Ashton using Google Earth, then located various buildings on an aerial photograph of the village.
In Science, we have returned to Plants and the children took part in a quiz to see what they already knew and then we asked a Big Question, "What if we planted a plant from Earth on Mars?"  There was lots of great discussion about temperature and whether there would be the right air (oxygen) and also whether there was any water on Mars.  We are going to think more about this as we investigation growing conditions for plants.