Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

2324 Hawthorn wb 13th May

Time is marching on and it's hard to believe that half term is only a week away!
In English, the children have written doggy descriptions using some of the skills they've already learnt - noun phrases and commas in lists. They also created a Wanted poster for a cat in the style of our Perfect Pet text. We're now going to pause this work until after half term when we'll recap what we've done and do some practice writing before creating our own stories.
In maths, Year 1s have been finding out about halves and quarters, while Year 2s have turned their attention to three quarters and counting in fractions. We've now reached the end of our fractions unit and next week we'll be doing a whistle-stop tour of shape, revisiting our earlier learning about 2D and 3D shapes, as well as introducing some new learning.
Our topic lesson focused on how people fought the Great Fire all those years ago. The children worked in teams to create a mime and freeze frame depicting the different resources Londoners had at their disposal - fire hooks, leather buckets, water squirts, gunpowder (to demolish houses in the path of the fire) and primitive fire engines. We wonder if you can work out which is which from the photos?

In PE, we have carried on with swimming and the children are all working really hard to improve their skills or just being brave and facing their fears about the water.

In Science we have been looking at the different things that we can do from birth up to adulthood.  The children worked in pairs to assign different things to each age group considering things such as when you can drive, when you can talk or when you can go on your own to do the weekly shop!