Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Acorn 24 What Did The Tree See?

Our week started with our trip to All Things Wild. It was lovely to see so many of our pre-schoolers and parents joined together to enjoy an adventure.  We visited the animals, the dinosaurs and the play areas before joining together for a picnic lunch.  We also had an Animal Encounter where the children had opportunity to touch a large stick insect, snake and armadillo.  We ended the event at the indoor soft play, giving the adults opportunity to enjoy a well earned coffee and rest!

The book, What did the tree see? gave an excellent insight into history.  It features an acorn that grows into a large oak tree.  In the background on each page, it shows a changing landscape as time goes by.  On Wednesday, we visited the oak tree in the meadow, to listen to the story and look at the landscape from the elevated position.  The view of the church is almost identical to a page in the book.

Other highlights of the week include den building, bubble popping and a special visit from Mrs Clayton's pet guinea pig, who thoroughly enjoyed eating the radishes which we had grown and harvested.