23 Acorn Monkey Puzzle
This week's book, Monkey Puzzle, has introduced us to the rich variety of shapes and sizes that animals come in. It has led us to think about how disimilar our pets look. Each day, we have invited a different pet into school, and we have learnt lots about them and what is needed to look after them. It has been an absolute treat. We would like to thank everyone who has brought a beloved pet in. These were:
Monday - Mr Alfie Boe - rabbit
Tuesdsay - Todrick - tortoise
Wednesday - Margo - dog
Thursday - Nugget - guinea pig
Friday - Jiggy - budgerigar
We have also been experimenting with sound, testing out different instruments, and even making our own out of old pots and pans. We have been practising some key positional language concepts and used a giant dice to help us recognise our names and those of our friends.
The book has also inspired us to collect the leaves that are starting to fall from the trees; to notice the different shades of colour. Each child also had opportunity to open a horse chestnut husk in order to find and keep the hidden treasure inside.