Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together


Our book 'Tidy' tells the story of a badger who is upset by his untidy woodland home. He proceeds to cut down trees and lay concrete in order to tidy it up.  It is only then that he realises that he has no food and his friends have nowhere to live.  He starts to rebuild the wood, until everything is restored back to normal.  This has given us plenty to think about and led to discussion about how we can look after the countryside.

With the arrival of the warmer weather, we have spent longer outside, exploring.  There has been lots of chalk drawing, tyre and brick building, mud kitchen making and tricycle riding.  We have been amazed by how skilled the children have become at pedaling!

We have used our imagination to do a spring woodland walk, stretching our bodies to make trees and crawling along the floor to be minibeasts.  In Maths, we have focused on the language of size, and practised our counting by picking up socks with a litter picker and counting the amounts we found.  One child managed to pick up 43 socks in 1 minute, but he did need a little support to count them!  We have also continued our work on rhyme, with children identifying ingredients for our silly soup.  Can you put in some pucumber (cucumber)?

On Wednesday, we enjoyed our China morning where we learnt about silk and the worms that make it. We also had fun trying to pick up pasta using chopsticks, which we were surprisingly good at.

On Friday we celebrated World Book Day.  The children all rose to the occasion and looked amazing.  We read 'The day the crayons quit' and experimented with melted wax to make some beautiful patterns.  They also enjoyed our shared reading session with the older children.  It is always lovely to see a group of children engrossed in a book.

Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to wish all of our lovely Mummies a very Happy Mothers day on Sunday.  I hope that you like the bulbs that your children planted and the card that they made.  They were very excited to make something to take home to you.