Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Pre-School to the Rescue

Pre-School to the rescue! We have been saying this lots of times this week, as we have problem solved and found ways to cross a 'stream' to save one of our toys from the 'mud'.  The children have made bridges, stepping stones and pushed long items in order to rescue our "cuddlies" without getting their feet wet.  The critical thinking has been amazing and we have all thoroughly enjoyed the challenge.

Our song, 'One Big Hippo Balancing' has been great fun, and the children are very good at holding up the correct amount of fingers as the numbers increase.  We have been focusing on the initial sounds of words and the children have been trying to think of different words beginning with a S A T and P.  We have made some beautiful bracelets, practising our hand/eye co-ordination as we thread the beads, using a blunt needle.

Since we are all exhausted, we are looking forward to our half term holidays.  The Acorn Team wish you a very happy half term and look forward to hearing about all of your adventures in June.  Your child's Learning journey book will be coming home with them, so please put some news in it so that they can share it with their friends when they return to school.