Acorn 23 Naughty Bus
Our topic this term is 'Are we there yet?' and this week we have focused on the story of the Naughty Bus. The children have used their imagination to create some lovely bus role play, and enjoyed the different small world toys that we have put out.
However, the greater part of our week has been spent outside, enjoying the autumnal weather. We have been out in the rain, wind and sunshine, enjoying all that the season has to offer. Everyone got to experience a campfire; sampling a marshmallow and hearing the story of naughty Francis the Firefly.
We shared our learning journey books and found that many of the children had seen fireworks. We learnt a new rhyme about them, created our own firework inspired pictures and pretended to move like rockets. We have used our names to decorate rockets and have concentrated on rhyming. We also enjoyed our first whole school 'Open the book' assembly.