Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Nature Trail

We have had a very exciting week.  On Monday, we cleaned Mrs Shiels' car and had great fun with the water.  It was a good way to keep cool and strengthen gross motor skills, as the children stood on tiptoe to wipe the windows.  On Tuesday, we had a visit from Mr Bumble (very kindly brought down to school by Mrs Pilcher) and all the Acorn children in school that day took the opportunity to have a ride around the playground.  On Wednesday, we had a visit from Ms Maher, who entertained us with her excellent accordion playing and led a nursery rhyme singalong.  The Acorn children had chance to press some keys on the accordion and listen to the sound it made.  We would like to thank Mrs Pilcher and Ms Maher for providing their time and skills to give the children such brilliant opportunities.

Transition day was a great success as we welcomed 4 lovely new children in for a taster session and our Nursery 2 children spent most of the morning in Holly Class.  Everyone seemed happy, and although it is always difficult to part with children moving to a new class, it is lovely to be able to welcome new ones in. 

The book, Nature Trail, has motivated us to bug hunt.  Sadly, due to the extreme heat at the start of the week, this has not been very successful, but we will continue our search in the remaining weeks of this term.

As the 30 Day Wild challenge draws to a close, the children have had great fun outside making mud in the mud kitchen, hunting for (and eating) strawberries, searching for shadows and having an outdoor snack picnic.