Journey of a Cardboard Box
Journey of a Cardboard Box has been an excellent story with which to base this week's learning. We have been discussing what recycling is and why we do it - looking at the bins in the classroom and which goes into each and why. We then moved their contents to the large green and blue bins outside. Afterwards, we watched a video to show the journey that the green bin contents go on and the recycling process of paper. We also looked at pictures landfill.
The story follows the life of a cardboard box until it is recycled and reinvents itself. At one point the box is decorated by children in a nursery, and the Acorn children were each able to choose a box to decorate. We had a rocket, a butterfly, a mustang car, a tall building, a Barbie box, a pterodactyl and some rather beautiful treasure boxes. We also learnt a rhyme which involved each child climbing in and out of a box and pretending to be a Jack in the Box. We continued work on rhyming and our mathematical language. The week ended with Red Nose Day.
To mark science week, we have done a different experiment every day. This has been great fun, and the children have listened beautifully. On Monday, we made gloop; on Tuesday, we made coloured volcano bubbles; on Wednesday, we made different musical sounds using different levels of water in milk bottles: on Thursday, we mixed primary colours and watched the changes and on Friday, we made magic coloured milk...... No wonder we are all so tired!