Willow Week Beginning 6th June
It is so lovely to see everyone back in school after the half term break and ready for their final half term of the academic year. We started off with a successful Topic day on Friday where we joined up with Oak class to create 3D models of a river, highlighting some of their key features. The children worked brilliantly in their pairs to create the playdough for their models and then piece them together to show features such as waterfalls and meanders. They had to consider how they would represent the difference between the upper, middle and lower course as well as adding in vegetation along the way. We also looked at land use around a river and the children completed a puzzle showing how the land is used for nature, agriculture, industry, recreation and power before considering how each activity along the river may affect people, animals and plants downstream.
Our work in Maths has all been linked to angles and turns this week and we started off with a game of 'Simon Says' to practise our understanding of clockwise and anticlockwise as well as quarter, half and three quarter turns. The Year 3 children then focused on identifying right angles and had to spot as many 90 degree angles as they could in their picture. The Year 4 children also identified acute and obtuse angles and had to justify their reasons. They also had to identify angles in a picture.
In Writing lessons we have been looking at a new text called 'Until I met Dudley' which is a fun take on explanations of how everyday appliances work. We imagined that we were taking part in the programme 'Inside the Factory' and retold the explanation of how a hoover works in the style of a playscript. This helped us to familiarise ourselves with the vocabulary and style of an explanation text. We tried to make our scripts as engaging for the audience as we could whilst being clear in our explanations.
Willow Class have made a great start to the half term and we are looking forward to finding out about rivers around the world in next week's Topic lessons.