Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Oak Week Beginning 6th March 2023

This week has been Maths Week so lots of maths activities have taken place. We have been continuing developing our equivalent fraction, decimal and percentage values by playing donut dominos and matching pairs games. We also played on the World Maths Day game which enabled us to test our arithmetic skills against children from many different countries  around the globe. We also mapped where we had played onto a world map.


Maps were again a theme in topic this week as we were investigating how the 3 main climate zones (that we mapped last week) are being affected by climate change. We looked at the different causes and potential solutions to help prevent the worst case scenarios from happening. The children used their inference skills when looking at some environmental cartoons, to work out what they represented. They then had a go at designing some of their own. Check out the examples in the gallery.

In our learning outside the classroom activity this week, we made rain gauges to measure rainfall in our playground. The children used measuring jugs to calibrate the scale on the gauges, recording the scale in ml. We spent a lot of time discussing the best locations for them to be sighted in order to catch the most rain and not get knocked over too! Fingers crossed they catch enough to be measurable!

On Friday we joined with Willow class to go on a woodland walk as part of our forest school learning and to research a woodland biome in preparation for next weeks topic work. The snow subsided and the sun even came out to boost us on our way in the chilly temperatures. We looked at the flora and fauna typical to this biome and identified some of the plants and trees that we saw. We discussed why plants do or do not grow in this area and investigated what will grow later on in the year based on the evidence we observed. It was a fun way to end another busy week of rehearsals.

The children are very excited about performing next week, we are just perfecting and tweeking our acting and singing skills. Wearing the costumes we will perform in has been a big boost to us getting in role and lifted our performances. We can't wait to show off all our hard work - the performance times will be Tuesday 14th March at 1.30pm and Thursday 16th March at 6.30pm. If you have not responded to reserve seats, please contact Mrs Brown in the school office.

Thank you to all of you who came to parents evening, it was lovely to see you all and share with you the progress your children are making.