Oak Week Beginning 4th September 2023
It was wonderful to welcome back lots of familiar faces and to get to know some new additions too. The children have settled into their new classroom brilliantly and have produced some fabulous work already - I have high hopes for great things this year!
In our writing, we have started with a poetry unit and have been writing poems all about ourselves, so we can get to know them and they can write about something they know a lot about! We have produced some fabulous fingerprint poems so far and are working hard on some portrait poems which use lots of imagery to describe themselves. In our Reading lessons we have started a book which is set on prehistorical times (to link with our topic) and follows the character Tuuli whose family are travelling through the seasons following the reindeer herd. There are many adventures to share in this book and we will continue the story as our end of the day reader.
Our first Maths topic is Place Value and we have revised the important factors of our decimal number system through lots of different challenges, games and activities. This included creating a 100 square jigsaw which had no numbers, just symbols - it was easy once we had figured out a few key numbers that gave us the key to unlock others! Next week we start to look at number up to 100,000 in Y4 and a 1, 000,000 in Y5.
Our Topic for this whole term has a historical focus; The Stone Age - hunting to farming. We will learn all about life in the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic times. To get us in the mood, we did a WOW task where we made some baskets, then went into the locality to gather blackberries (in our baskets) which we turned into paint. We made our own paintbrush and used them to create some cave art of a reindeer, the main creature that was hunted. It was quite a frustrating challenge for some to make the basket, but hard work and a resilient attitude won through. They loved foraging for berries and the painting too.
Check out the gallery for images of what we have done this week, and click onto our class page for information about what we are doing in all the curriculum subjects this term. You will also find a whole year plan of what is coming up in our learning and lots of other useful links to assist your chid whilst they are in Oak Class. The Oak team are very much looking forward to working alongside you to help your child achieve their potential this year.