23 Hawthorn wb 17th April
What a fantastic return to school we've had in Hawthorn class this week. The children were certainly revved up and raring to go!
We started our new topic, Towers and Turrets, by having a think about what we already know and what we'd like to find out about over the next few weeks. Then, the children all created their own imaginary castle, based on a simple template and using watercolour paints. We were thrilled with their artistic endeavours, as always, and you can see their handiwork below. We've already filled our topic display but there's lots more to learn about and do going forward.
In maths, Year 1s have made a start on the very beginnings of multiplication, by counting on and back in 2s, 5s and 10s, and recognising equal groups. We've finished our work on measures with Year 2s, looking at volume, capacity and temperature. On to fractions next week....
The children have been showing off their writing skills this week, starting with a recount about their Easter holidays, and then writing a character description based on a picture of a dragon. Our whole school theme is 'Connections', and we've now started our class text, Tell Me a Dragon, which is a lovely, descriptive poem and links really well with our Castles theme. We're looking forward to working on this with the ultimate aim of the children writing their own imaginative poems in the style of the book.
Finally, on Friday, the children were fortunate enough to visit Forest School and set off with great enthusiasm, despite the rather soggy weather!
We only have a few photos to share this week, but rest assured there will be many more to come. Keep reading our blog every week and you'll see what the children have been learning and their happy, excited faces!