Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

23 - Hawthorn wb 13th February

Hawthorn children continued to work hard this week and there's been lots of new learning.
In maths, the year 1 children have been counting numbers up to 50, making different representations and drawing pictures of the numbers.  The year 2 children have been continuing with work on multiplication and division and will soon be getting homework to practise their times tables!
On Monday, they finished their interpretations of the Antarctic landscape, inspired by Frederick Church's famous painting, The Icebergs. They used pastels, paint, ink, coloured paper, fabric, salt, glitter and sketching skills to create this beautiful mixed media art. They're all, quite rightly, very proud of their artwork - as are we!
Children and teachers also participated in ChiChi dance, which generated high energy and high excitement! Thank you to Nicky for providing and leading this session.
We've also completed our digital photography computing unit. On Tuesday, they learnt how to apply colour filters to a photograph and on Wednesday, spent some time thinking about why someone might edit a photo. They had to look at four photos and decide whether they were real or fake. This proved a trickier task than you might imagine and we had some great discussions about what had been done to alter some of the original images.
We have celebrated Safer Internet Day this week too.  The children have been discussing how to stay safe on line and how to make good decisions to be kind to others on the internet.  We discussed how they need to make sure that they are sensible sharing photographs as they can be there forever.
Finally, we had the school dance festival where we showed our skills to the other classes.  Our class dance was based on moving to an 8 beat rhythm.  Look at the photos to see our fantastic moves!