Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Hawthorn w/b 26th September

The children have been working hard to compose their own Kenning poems this week, all about themselves. We'd like to share some of their ideas with you and will be putting their fantastic poems up on display in school for you to see when you come in.
In maths, both year groups have started working on number lines which are a very useful tool for all sorts of mathematical operations and challenges. We've also begun a new initiative called Mastering Number, where the children participate in an extra session exploring number four times a week to deepen their understanding. We're already enjoying this and it has provided another opportunity for the Year 1s to work together as a group as we teach them all together, while the Year 2s have their own session a little earlier in the day.
In Phonics this week, the children have consolidated the "ay" sound and they now know six ways of making this sound! The children then learned about adding _ed to the end of a word and how this can sometimes sound like a "t", e.g. looked.
Having already explored the concept of belonging in RE, this week we discovered that different faiths have a range of meaningful symbols. For example, the dove, cross, fish and Holy Trinity in Christianity. Next week, we'll be stepping away from our current topic to find out about harvest ahead of our special assembly on Friday 7th October.
In Science, we have continued with our work on habitats and the children played a game to see if they could work out whether animals lived in a woodland habitat, coastal habitat, pond habitat or urban habitat.  Some were straightforward but there were others that needed lots of discussion.  Where shall we put the fox?!
In our Music lessons, we have started to learn a song for our harvest assembly next week so you may hear our child humming away and doing some actions too!  We look forward to performing it for on Friday.
Finally, we hope to see many of you at our Curriculum sessions for parents next Wednesday, too where you can find out about how we are teaching reading, writing, maths and phonics and how you can support them at home.