Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Holly Class week beginning 5th February

We have had a lovely and very busy last week of term in Holly class! 

It has been Children's Mental Health week and we have read a selection of different stories to help us think about how to put into words our feelings and emotions. The children all made a feelings meters at forest school and after reading Ruby's Worry we thought about the people in and out of school who are there to listen if we every have a worry. All of the children have made a 'helping hand' to remind them of these special people. 

After receiving our letter from Katie Morag last week, the children have worked amazingly hard on their stories to send back to her. The Year 1 children have sequenced sentences to independently write their own stories, making sure to include adjectives to make them as exciting as possible. The Reception children have made little books using pictures and words, some even choosing to write a sentence to go with each picture. Katie Morag is going to be so impressed and hopefully the penguin will get home safely! 

In our maths lessons this week, the Reception children have been working on using the language of more than, less than and equal to compare all sorts of things in our classroom and on pictures. The Year 1 children have been working on their subtraction skills and learning how to subtract by counting back on a number line. They know they have to be very precise and are good at making sure I don't count back too many!

On Thursday we loved taking part in the country dancing festival. The children had worked so hard on their dance and we were so proud of them! Thank you to all who were able to come. 

Have a wonderful half term everyone!