Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Holly Class w/b 29th April

What an exciting week, we have had nine chicks hatch! It has been wonderful to see the excitement and awe in the children's faces whilst watching the eggs, which we have been carefully looking after, start to crack and see the chicks pop out. We have enjoyed looking after them in the classroom this week and they have now happily gone to their new home. 

In our literacy lessons this week we have been becoming familiar with the story of Stuck. The children worked together to make a messy map and had opportunities to create their own before drawing their own story maps. The Year 1 children then added key words to theirs to help with the retelling. The children have also created our own Stuck tree to display in the classroom, complete with paintings of lots of the objects from the book and labels. 

In maths this week, the Reception children have been working on their number bonds to 5, 6 and 7 in our whole class sessions and through games we have played around the classroom. It has been wonderful to see their confidence with this grow. The Year 1 children have been working hard learning to count in 5s and spotting patterns with these numbers. They have also started some division work looking at equal groups. 

As you can imagine, lots of our time has been taken up observing and looking after the chicks this week, however we did manage to squeeze in a trip to forest school, a check in with our sunflowers to see how they are growing and the Year 1 children have done some computing and started to learn about the Great Fire of London. On Thursday the children were treated to a performance of The Jungle Book in the school hall. It was such a brilliant experience for them and they came back into class inspired  by the story and ready to put on their own little shows! 

Have a lovely long weekend everyone!