Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

 Dear Zoo

We have really enjoyed this week's book 'Dear Zoo'.  We have guessed which animal is behind each package and joined it with the words of the story.  However, it did lead us to realise that some of us could not tell the difference between a farm animal and a zoo animal.  This has led to some work grouping animals according to their type i.e insects, animals that live in water, farm and zoo animals.

We have enjoyed singing 'Old MacDonald had a farm' and have been practising the ABC song.  It is amazing how many of our children can now sing the song and in tune!  We have also played I spy and identified animals by their initial sound and made enclosures for the animals.

At last there has been a glimpse of sunshine and  we were able to enjoy outdoor water play.  Mrs Clayton and Mrs Morgan have been leading a structured balance bike session where the children are developing their sense of balance and co-ordination. We have also had the soft play out, where children can explore more movement opportunities.

On Thursday afternoon, most of the class watched the Jungle Book play.  They sat in the hall with the rest of the school and thoroughly enjoyed the performance.

We finished making our beautifully coloured flowers.  Each one  has been perfumed with a different essential oil, chosen by the children.  This has made a beautiful display, and made the classroom smell delightful.