Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Holly Class w/b 13th March 2023

What an amazing week in Holly Class! For our topic this week we learnt all about Worcestershire and looked on the map to see if we could recognise anywhere. Lots of us discovered that we could see Ashton under Hill, Evesham and even Pershore! We spotted lots of different features on the map such as rivers, countryside, houses, and restaurants. Reception directed the Beebots on a map of Worcester using their directional knowledge, and Year 1 identified lots of different human and physical characteristics.

In phonics this week, Reception learnt the new phonemes ‘or and ‘ur’ and recapped lots of previously learnt phonemes. The Year 1’s did lots of phase 5 revision as well as learning how to use ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ at the end of some words.

In maths, Reception learnt about the terms ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ using physical objects. They also practiced their subitising and problem solving skills using board games, as well as their number bonds to 7! Year 1 have moved on to measurements and have learnt all about how we measure length and height, as well as the vocabulary to describe these (eg, taller, shorter and longer). They have found a range of different objects in our classroom to practice these skills.

In literacy this week, we have all read the book ‘Errolls Garden’ and Reception have written some amazing sentences to describe what happened. Year 1 have practiced their retrieval skills by writing questions about the book for their partner to find out. They have also been learning all about noun phrases and have found objects in the classroom to create noun phrases for. They thought of some amazing describing words! As a class, we also read some poems and talked about the differences between a rhyming and non-rhyming poem. Year 1 created their own poems about their favourite colours and Reception drew some beautiful pictures!

For Science this week the children learnt all about how animals obtain their food from other plants and animals and created their own basic food chains.

We were lucky enough to have Mrs Shiels take us out to Forest School this week! She took us to the meadow and showed us how to make a tree rubbing, as well as reading us a lovely story about an Oak tree. Thank you very much for all of the lovely parent volunteers who helped with this!

We were very excited for DT this week as we could start creating our telescopes. We followed Year 1’s design ideas and found that they worked very well. We can’t wait to decorate these and take them out to forest school next week!

It was lovely to see all of you celebrating Comic Relief on Friday in your non- school uniform.

Have a great weekend everyone, we can’t wait for what next week has in store!