Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Hawthorn Wb 19th September

This week we've turned our attention to Kennings in English and had great fun coming up with some very creative ideas. We began with a class Kenning poem about cats and then the children worked in small groups on a subject of their own choice. Can you guess what the children were talking about in this group? " Cat-hater, Good-fetcher, High-jumper, Food-biter, Soft-cuddler, Tail-wagger, Toy-chewer." Next week, they'll be writing their own Kennings and we're looking forward to seeing what they come up with.
In phonics the Y1 children have been learning about the tricky words, Mr and Mrs and also looking at the sound (phoneme) "ay."  They have started with the graphemes "ay" like hay and "a_e" like cake.  If you see any of these around the house, share them with your child!
Year 1s are continuing their exploration of numbers up to 10 while Year 2s have been finding different ways to partition 2-digit numbers.  You can see that the children have been working outside to make their numbers in different ways.
On Tuesday, we were joined by the Holly Year 1 children for our first RE lesson of the year. We are discovering what it means to belong to a faith community and started by thinking about what makes us who we are and all the different groups we belong to - family, class, school and so on. 
In Science, we are continuing with our work on Living Things and their Habitats and we looked around our playground habitats to see what living things we could find.  
Finally, in Music, we have been finding the pulse in different music and then have started to sing and act out a song called "Find the Beat."  There was a lot of good listening and responding to this fun song.