Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Farmer Duck

Farmer Duck has been a lovely introduction to the world of farming.  We have thoroughly enjoyed the story, collectively joining in with the phrase "How goes the work?" and answering in the voices of the animals.  This has led into play with our toy farm and animal recognition by sounds that the different animals make.  We have also been discussing where milk, wool and eggs come from.

We have made some beautiful harvest pictures, with a background made from combining colours with our hands.  Work continues with our harvest song, which will be recorded next week and shown on a screen during Harvest Festival. We have also been gardening in our outdoor area, practising pegging up socks and counting how many we can hang, and listening to Nicholas the teddy's robot voice to identify clothes that he wants to wear.

On Thursday, we had a visit from the Dog's Trust who taught us how to approach dogs safely.  We thoroughly enjoyed meeting the cuddly dog.

Our confidence is growing and we have a lovely cohort of children who have settled into school life and are making friendships that hopefully last into Oak Class!